公司名称:(英文)Qingdao Meiying Automobile Appliance Co., Ltd
地 址:(中文)青岛市重庆南路209号
地 址:(英文)NO.209,ChongQing south road,QingDAO,China
邮 编 :266100
电 话 :0532 - 86672786-8989(朱先生) 86672785 86672792
传 真: 0532 - 86672793
邮 箱 :[email protected]
网 址: www.meiyingcn.com
美鹰公司主要生产经营项目有:一、汽车漆面封釉镀膜。1)美鹰晶亮釉蓝色系列:主要包括钛镜釉、研磨剂、增艳剂、精品晶亮釉、快捷晶亮釉等;2)老鹰头红色系列:鹰钻釉、鹰钛镀膜、鹰速镀膜、鹰艳保护釉、鹰艳洗车釉等。美鹰晶亮釉具有耐酸、抗高温、抗氧化、抗划痕、抗紫外线等特点,使用后可使汽车漆面呈现高光泽度、晶亮持久、安全环保。 二、汽车烤漆。无尘干磨设备、电脑程式化调漆、六套高标准烤漆房让钣金喷漆工作效率显著提高。三、快速修补漆。又称为快速局部烤漆,经过不断实践探索,将快速修补漆时间缩短为28分钟。四、艺术烤漆。又称为汽车车身油漆彩绘,是汽车喷漆工艺与绘画艺术的完美结合,体现汽车个性化色彩。五、汽车玻璃养护。(1)玻璃贴膜,防爆膜太阳膜等系列鹰膜产品;(2)玻璃镀膜;(3)汽车前挡玻璃修复。六、车饰皮革护理。橡胶翻新,包括轮胎翻新和座椅清洁;七、汽车车身坑凹修复及专业技术培训。八、其他服务及培训,例如车标镀金、大梁校正、等等。
As the leader of the automobile baking lacquer, cleaning and maintenance in China, Qingdao Meiying Automobile Appliance Co., Ltd is the professional chain company engaged in this field and has come to the top. Our company, with the world advanced automobile maintenance theory and technology, pays attention to the management of “Meiying” brand and bends to the development of the automobile cleaning & maintenance all the time. Generalizing our products in the worldwide is needed to meet the development of economy and the requirements of customers.
Our Company mainly products and sales the series of products “Meiying Fire Glaze”, including Premier Fire Glaze, convenient Glaze and etc. The series of products have the characteristics of long lasting protection against acid rain, extreme temperatures, oxidation, web marks and make the car paint present shiny, reliable and long-term bright appearance.
Our products and technologies also include: Titanium Glaze, Rubber Cleaner, Neutral Car Wash Compound, Underbody Armory, Dent Restoration and Technology, Front Windshield Restoration, Automobile Mark Gilt and etc.